1. Another Sight - PlayStation Store
ANOTHER SIGHT is een surrealistisch fantasieavontuur met steampunk-elementen dat zich afspeelt in het Londen van 1899, aan het eind van de Victoriaanse tijd ...
ANOTHER SIGHT is een surrealistisch fantasieavontuur met steampunk-elementen dat zich afspeelt in het Londen van 1899, aan het eind van de Victoriaanse tijd. Met veel aandacht voor cultuur en karakter richt ANOTHER SIGHT zich op de emotionele ontwikkeling van de relatie tussen de twee hoofdpersonen Kit, een verrassend dappere tiener, en Hodge, een mysterieuze rode kat. Ze ontmoeten elkaar in het duister op een bouwplaats voor de Londense metro, nadat Kit haar gezichtsvermogen is kwijtgeraakt toen de tunnel die ze aan het verkennen was instortte. Ze gaan samen op avontuur naar het onverwachte, waarbij Hodge de steun en toeverlaat van Kit wordt. Kit en Hodge verkennen een surrealistische fantasiewereld, samen en afzonderlijk van elkaar, en gebruiken elk hun eigen unieke talenten om de weg te vinden door boeiende omgevingen en intrigerende puzzels op te lossen.
2. Another Sight - Playstation Store
ANOTHER SIGHT is a surreal fantasy adventure with steampunk elements set in London in 1899, towards the end of the Victorian era.
ANOTHER SIGHT is a surreal fantasy adventure with steampunk elements set in London in 1899, towards the end of the Victorian era. With an emphasis on culture and character, ANOTHER SIGHT focuses on the emotional development of the relationship between its two protagonists, Kit, a refreshingly intrepid teenager, and Hodge – a mysterious red-furred cat. They meet in the darkness of a London Underground construction site, after Kit loses her sight when the tunnel she had been exploring collapses. They team up for an adventure into the unexpected, with Hodge proving himself to be an indispensable companion, upon whom Kit will come to rely. Kit and Hodge explore a surreal fantasy world, both together and separately, each using their own unique talents to make their way through compelling environments, and to solve intriguing puzzles.
3. Another Sight (Nintendo Switch) kopen - Nedgame gameshop
LET OP: Dit is een import game, maar kan wel gewoon gespeeld worden op elke regio spelcomputer. Eventuele DLC kunnen wij echter niet garanderen. Omschrijving.
ANOTHER SIGHT is een surrealistisch fantasy-avontuur met steampunk-elementen, dat zich afspeelt in het Londen van 1899, aan het eind van het victoriaanse tijdperk.
Met veel aandacht voor cultuur en karakter, richt ANOTHER SIGHT zich op de emotionele ontwikkeling van de relatie tussen de twee hoofdpersonen: Kit, een verrassend dappere tiener, en Hodge, een mysterieuze rode kat.
Ze ontmoeten elkaar op een duistere bouwplaats voor de Londense metro, nadat Kit haar gezichtsvermogen is kwijtgeraakt toen de tunnel die ze aan het verkennen was instortte. Ze beleven samen een verrassend avontuur, waarin Hodge zich ontpopt als Kits steun en toeverlaat.
Kit en Hodge verkennen een surrealistische fantasiewereld, samen en afzonderlijk van elkaar, en gebruiken elk hun eigen unieke talenten om de weg te vinden door fascinerende omgevingen en intrigerende puzzels op te lossen.
4. Another Sight Review for Switch (2019) - Defunct Games
2 jul 2019 · Another Sight sends Kit down the rabbit hole and into a world she can barely see. Thankfully, her cat buddy will help her navigate this strange ...
Another Sight sends Kit down the rabbit hole and into a world she can barely see. Thankfully, her cat buddy will help her navigate this strange underground city and uncover the family secrets. The problem is that the game doesn't know what to do with Kit and the journey suffers because of it. The mystery may be intriguing, but this is ultimately a bland exercise in predictable puzzles and boring locations. For an adventure that is supposed to be crazy and surreal, Another Sight feels surprisingly constrained.
5. Argos Product Support for ANOTHER SIGHT PS4 (818/9019)
Support for the Argos Product 818/9019, ANOTHER SIGHT PS4. Includes instruction manuals, user guides, videos and telephone helplines.
Support for the Argos Product 818/9019, ANOTHER SIGHT PS4. Includes instruction manuals, user guides, videos and telephone helplines
6. Another Sight - The Italian Super-Indie Videogame Developer
16 jul 2016 · ANOTHER SIGHT is a surreal fantasy adventure with steampunk elements set in 1899 towards the end of the Victoria era, in London.
GAME DESCRIPTION ANOTHER SIGHT is a surreal fantasy adventure with steampunk elements set in 1899 towards the end of the Victoria era, in London. Built on heart
7. Another Sight for PlayStation 4 - Playasia
Compatible with PlayStation 4™ (PS4™). Version: US. Works on all systems sold worldwide, a correct regional account may be required for online features. stock.
See AlsoSkyward Login Wylie IsdAnother Sight for PlayStation 4 * In our warehouse. AN EMOTIVE ADVENTURE – A story about a girl and her cat companion on a journey beyond sight and the real world. A tale of affection and intrigue is woven throughout the adventure, touching on trust and companionship, and the consequences of losing what we take for granted. The innovative gameplay and emotional story are galvanized through a soundscape brought to life by a symphonic orchestra, emphasizing the most memorable moments on Kit and Hodge's emotional and physical journeyMASTERS FROM THE PAST - Throughout their journey, Kit and Hodge will meet ...
8. Another Sight for Nintendo Switch - Nintendo Official Site
Bevat niet: ps4 | Resultaten tonen met:ps4
Buy Another Sight and shop other great Nintendo products online at the official My Nintendo Store.
9. Another Sight (PlayStation 4) Review - Page 1 - Cubed3
29 okt 2019 · As indie devs get more to grips with the potential of Unreal Engine 4, what they make looks closer to what AAA developers usually deliver.
Another Sight on PlayStation 4 Review - Rated 6 out of 10 - Page 1.
10. Another Sight Weaves A Tail or Two In Our Review - GameSpace.com
24 jun 2019 · ... Collect the ... Initially launching on PC back in 2018, Another Sight is about to delve down this rabbit hole on Switch and PS4.
The adventures of Hodge the cat and Kit wandered onto PlayStation 4 last week with Nintendo Switch versions following before the end of the month. Join me
11. Another Sight – Nintendo Switch | Review - SquareXO
27 jun 2019 · ... down. The platforming is quite poor, with collision detection all ... GrimmyReaper on Games as a service – The Future of Gaming? Caio ...
There aren’t many video game studios in Italy, so it was interesting for me to see what this game from Lunar Great Wall Studios was like. Based in Milan, the studio only opened its doors in 2016, and Another Sight is its first game. Released originally for PC in 2018, the Switch port arrives this week. It’s a 2.5D exploration and puzzle game with a twist and there is much to recommend here, with the game alternating between beautiful, haunting, and frustrating.
12. Another Sight - PS4 - Zatu Games
Great service fast delivery great product. Really great service. 5 hours ago ... Very slight scuffing to box, but I put that down to the courier, not Zatu.
Another Sight - PS4 - £19.31 - and many other great board games are available for the lowest prices at Zatu Games!