The Akron Beacon Journal from Akron, Ohio (2024)

820 Form Biggest AU Graduating uiass Saturday. June 5, 1965 Akron Beacon Journal J-9j Asks For Probe Tl-n "nivorcit 7 nf Alrnn ii-ill nAnfop rlnrrrooc nn'Miry r. Freuhfr Kathleen A. Medkeft the largest in its history Nancy C. Stocker F.malene A.

Straiko lEIIiabeth Swain Of Oiler Move To Rice Stadium HOUSTON County Judge Bill Elliott has called for an investigation of the Houston Oilers' decision to play their American Football League games in Rice University Stadium instead of the new Astrodome here. i ine ciun announced t-riaay mat wouia piay in nice 70,000 -seat stadium rather Robert M. Sanders' lester S. Shermaa Entrene M. Sirak I (L i.

Charles W. SmallW4Kid Paul E. Spilker I Thomas L. Martin Catherine James P. Statnaker McCready Raymond Stott ImJL I'" ninnu n.

im urii harles P. Mosley Sutherland Larry B. Myers Louis Szalontal Thomas O. Myera Arthur S. Taub Ronald M.

Paul P. Taylor Nusbaum James I). Palmerl Peter Pangaa Menelaos J. Fastis Robert C. Potta Thomas Allen Powers James P.

Prlnzo Gilbert B. Reymann, Jr. Kenneth R. Rhodes Larry E. RlKgar Lewis S.

Thomas Norma J. Tittle Junius A. Triche. Jr. Anthony Vlrich, Jr.

Louis A. Vltantonio Thomas K. Weller David J. Westfall Karen L. Wilcox Robert W.

Williamson William A. Wright Gerald O. Russell Charles D. Zook Bachelor of Science in Industrial Management Albert R. Cavalluzzo Kenneth A.

Carveny Charles H. William R. Lyons Aaron F. Margolis John F. Moore John W.

Morrison Cobb, Jr. William K. Jerome R. Collins Mumford (Clayton Davia Joseph A. Mnrphy Michael P.

Dennis A. Neman DeJarimo William T. Harless R. Neugebaner Duncan Roger L. Nipper Joseph P.

Horvath Michael J. Otis A. Hower O'Connor Michael Iskowltl John B. Patrhen Glenn W. Jackson Ronald D.

Siers Wayne R. Johnson Michael Simmons Thomas A. KayserJack L. Himonettl James W. Keith Robert A.

Steidl Gary V. Kordella William E. Philip F. Stevens Krlchbaum Harold G. Slouffer Robert T.

Kna John J. Walker Thomas L. Melvyn B. Wolf Laminlein Gary Zuiderhoek Stephen H. Krzykoskl Thomas Lanrlanee Gershom J.

Longhry David E. Long Marianne C. r.isie Nelson F. Meltzer Patricia M. Robert G.

Mlhallk Diane M. Miller Helen J. Miller Palrlria 1. Mary A. Minster Marria L.

Carol A. Hahn Naomi L. Haid Prances H. Hamilton Imogcne C. Harland Sally Hollls Morris, M.

C. L. Maxine I. Motz, C. L.

Frtle M. Houser Richard C. Nettles Madelyn M. Hunt I.inda I). Oakman Kdltn A.

HurlhurtJoan K. (rd M. Johnson Kathleen M. Nancy L. Johnson O'Toole Gloria J.

Rati Phillip J. Fatrano Madelynne C. Kavula Margaret J. Keefer Sandra J. Keith Beverly B.

Parke Linda A. Pope, C. Audrey H. Powell Judith E. Preiksa Merrily S.

Kiel Hunan A. Kain Dorothy C. Klewlt lia R. Raynow Faye F. Kinder Kvan C.

Reed Mary A. Hinfr Judith R. Klein Ronald M. Kline Caren I). Knlirht aria M.

Koriish Jeanette Kropac Arlene J. Kuhn Evelyn J. Rice Judith A. Klnella Patricia E. Rogers I.ucy M.

Romito Msrjorle C. Salisbury Kathryn L. Sanko John A. Iiahnski Kay K. Sea if Jorelyn M.

Lanre lonald Schnials I.inda S. Lang Gilbert W. Sharon M. Lebean Schaltia Philip E. amine A.

flelkel IeMaster Helen K. Semanco Jean A. Linton Carol J. Shady David S. iomax r.rna B.

Shean Edward E. (awarded Lopeman posthumously) Maureen A lonth Feme S. Slllun Jennie Malagio Patricia J. Mange Mapp nnirnal Cecilia Janeena Simmons Markham Jerry B. Hipka Mary L.

Marrone Kay K. Smith Terry H. Marsh Jane E. Smith Robert L. Martin Janet M.

Smith lls J. Maust Rulh Ann Smith Hhella C. Carolyn K. Soulshy James P. Sours Norma h.

Spencer William W. Spratt, III McCleary Marie K. McDouffal Patricia D. Mclntire I than the oj.OOO-seat all weath- Carlos P. Homer arena.

ulo. president of tnink an investigation should be marie to protect the county's rights," Judge Elliott pines. He is for-said. president of United inr. i owns ine domed stadium, but the ambassador to the United 'L ton Sports Association (HbA), States.

Ronald Nehgen woodaii owners of the Houston Gen. J. P. McConnell. U.

S.iV.rr,. M' has a 40-year lease on it. i "This was written into the tlCA uuiiuail vvnii inc iion i my nui tablets at Jl III. n. Krutky jso a situation such as thisjMonday in AU's John uan E- Kunirh mmmtmmmmmmmmM.

StV Vasaaaaaassaaai.isiii lairfftn 'sssaarsaaaa If STfOi LccZ32yiMi TLlI satur( Nighter 1st Since 1963 Continued Prom Page B-7 ble and was moved around on successive infield outs by Gon zalez and Leon Wagner. Siebert pitched a clean eighth and in the home half Alvis walked, Davalillo filed out, Hinton walked but Fred Whitfield grounded out bat-tine lor Carreon. Thus it was that Jose "The Immortal" Azcue, already in from the bullpen t6 replace Carreon. eot the call to hit for Siebert. And did he ever! He single on Sherry's sec ond pitch was a ground shot past Cash with Alvis scoring the tying run and Hinton com ing around from second with the winning tally far ahead of Northrup's throw plateward.

SECOND annual Akron Night proved even more successful than last year's. There were several thousand more Akron and Summit county fans among last night's 17,693 paid than were on hand last year when saw Jack Kralick blank Baltimore, 8 0. The pre-game parade of many Akron units which highlighted last year's program was simplified this time to just the North High and Gar field High school bands as a resuu, mo.M ians wen- in their scats when the Kone rloiorl ho Matinnal TtONt COUNT HIV. OUT- 1 gE5 A ggEAT SCRAMBLER aav Sandra R. Waxman So-an R.

I Wematetn Harold J. Wellinf Patricia J. White i Rrian G. Williams Anne M. Testa Joy L.

Trowbridge Richard C. William. Virginia M. I lmanloma I. Willi' Joann M.

Vellrkoff Judith M. Willis Mary A. ellckofl Grace C. Wilson Hila M. Vlsctone Eleanor K.

William k. Wolford. 11 Wainer Margaret b. Carol S. Walker Wright Judith A.

Walsh S. (ierald M. Wargo Voung Delia R. Wasson Alice A. Zarllng Eliiaheth A.

Harriet K. Zook Watts Joan K. Zwisler Bachelor of Science in Nursing Deanna H. Cross Mary W. McClaln Monica P.

Betty p. Juanita Jones Ruth A. Jones Jeanne L. Wright Bachelor of Science in Nursing Education Joann B. Hawkins Koslyn C.

Messerly THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Bachelor of Science In Business Administration Kenneth Arp Farrell K. Drelsbach, Jr. Charles L. Beeslng A. F.ckman Charles K.

Brewer William n. Enders John i. Butcher John A. Farinarri Richard w. camp Oliver W.

Gaskey Lawrence R. Sorratia George Carier Nell E. Cassidy Mlrhael C. Cozxens Ronald E. Robert M.

Gosaett Paul S. Grnlc Neil P. Hallinan l.arry F. Hen ills David R. Herman Crawford Rrian C.

Hill Donald J. (rigger Alan A. Horak William A. James W. Horvath Daniels Peter Karantonla William G.

Davis Angelo Karouzos Paul K. Denning John J. Koslow Eddie D. Doak Frank W. Kriska ferred by the Rt.

Rev. Msgr. John J. Price, pastor of St. Mary Church.

Designated as four year honor students in the class are: Dianne Cziraki, Marian Franks, Marianne Solosky, trying to swim to a barge anchored in the lake. Haslett and Holdren reportedly had returned from work early in the afternoon and had decided to go swimming. School authorities said the boys had worked since Monday at the Fisher Body Corp. in nearby Flint, Mich. The semester's classes ended last Saturday.

Haslett was staying in Owosso to work for the Summer. THE DEAN of men at the college described Haslett, a theology major, as an "outstanding student." The youth was a 1962 graduate of Akron's Central High School. He enrolled at Owosso last Fall. The Adams Funeral Home is handling funeral arrange- Florence Ignatiana, the award to worked on TACS recognition Beacon Journal TACS contest Fall. Jesser, president-elect, and Sister adviser.

St. Mary received in Summit County for assistance the blind. Each girl who the project was given a pin by Nancy Yockey, teen reporter. Another will be launched in the FINALE of honor awards assembly at St. Mary High was the presentation of prizes for the Student Council's winning entry in Teen Awards for Community Service (TACS) contest sponsored by the Beacon Journal.

Accepting the which included an engraved plaque and $50, were (from left) Christine Kusy, Student Council president; Honor Students Named ASSOCIATE DEGREES Associate in Arts Robert I). Parsley Alphious Ilnnalrf Smith Sloufter Jean Trevorrow Associate in Industrial Electronics kennelh M. Clifford Stevens Stewart Mis R. Sundberg Associate in Secretarial Science Susan J. Adelman Mlckle L.

Mlnko Arlene F. Berentl Kathleen A. Alverda S. Carr Moneaan Catherine A. Marguerite artildge Anne B.

Fnlton Jean A. Heintzelman Vivian I. Huber Sherle L. Koch Loretta L. Komlody Susan M.

Magalski Marianne V. Martin Myers Linda D. Oakman Joyce L. Oran Carol A. Powers Wanda Jean Simmons Linda J.

Tarson Mattie P. Thomas Marilyn J. Weiand Maureen L. Wetzel Patricia A. Wragg Associate in Transportation Charles K.

Woodring 67 In Area Graduate From BG Degrees were conferred upon 67 Akron area students today by Bowling Green State University as a graduating class of nearly 1,100 largest In the university's history took part in Commencement exercises. Honorary doctoral degrees were awarded James M. Lister, Cleveland's urban renewal director, and Raymond H. Mulford, chief executive officer of Toledo's Owens-Illinois Inc. Mulford was the commencement speaker.

Akron students receiving master's degrees were Elias Y. Karam, 381 Madison and Anne L. Jarema, 247 Castle blvd. RECEIVING bachelor's degrees from the Akron area were: MEDINA COUNTY Brunswick Linda J. Raabe.

3280 Center rd. Chippewa Lake Penryn K. Rickard, 386 Craggy Creek dr. Hinckley Mrs. Susan J.

Lutz, 1211 River Medina Mary J. Clement, 861 Ryan Tom W. Hanzli-cek, RD Helen A. Burger, RD Carolyn M. Dushenke, 232 W.

Friendship Marsha J. Hyatt, 58 Squires ct. Wadsworth Nancy E. Reese, 753 Woodland av. PORTAGE COUNTY Garrettsville Peggy L.

Everett, 8137 High st. Kent Sharon A. Fanelly, 224 Overlook dr. Mantua Carol L. May-nard, 4726 High st.

Randolph Earl C. Scott, 1395 State Rt. 44. STARK COUNTY Alliance Robert P. Curtis, 805 S.

Linden. Canton Stuart T. Ecker, 1449 Fifteenth Jack D. Kull Jr-i 4849 Fifteenth Gordon D. Meldrum, 1604 Shorb Thomas C.

Harris, 1327 Fulton Janet E. Quimby, 7451 Byron circle; Christine M. Rossetti, 1440 Jonathan Ann R. Lamiell, 2103 Gibbs John R. See-sholtz, 1645 Cleveland Rita A.

Angelantoni, 1642 E. Tuscarawas Jerry A. Lyke, 325 Clarendon Jill B. Harsh, 1906 Forty-eighth Kenneth F. Hartwick, 6400 Ridgewood Fran M.

Miller, 1256 Fulton av. East Sparta Thomas P. Reicosky, 1261 Downing st. Louisville Richard L. Shoemaker, 8146 Easton rd.

Masslllon Barbara J. Mcnu*tt, 155 Rowmont Laureen A. Lucansky, 515 Nineteenth John R. Lar son, 909 Bennington Jack A. Mauger, 326 Twenty-fifth Karlene A.

Stehle, 216 Korman Nancy L. Allen, 320 Twenty-sixth st. SUMMIT COUNTY Akron Linda K. Stopher, 336 Greenwood Patricia A. Crabbe, 668 Essex Dor othy J.

Sullifan, 1526 King- sley Margaret F. Barr, 4792 Ranchwood Frank A. Giganti, 365 Zeller George C. Koch, 1873 High-view Patricia J. Ray nor, 2431 Martin rd.

Barberton John E. ku*mse, 551 Robinson Ellen C. Milford, 29 Thirty-first st. NW; Pamela S. Floyd, 3700 Reimer rd.

Cuyahoga Falls Mina R. Clark, 2415 Eleventh James T. Helwig, 3107 Highland Linda S. Newton, 2320 Third Charlyne A. Perrine, 2327 Eighth st.

Hudson Robert H. Crow-ell 7600 Holyoke av. Northfleld Frederick Gott, 9574 Northfield Virginia L. Main, 8261 Cricket av. Stow John A.

Ramsey, 4393 Ellsworth rd. Tallmadge Nancy V. Boy-land, 35 Southwest av. Twlnsburg; Judi A. War-go, 11381 Ravenna Elsa C.

Johnson, 9372 Liberty Rosemary Andexler, 3433 Cannon rd. WAYNE COUNTY Creston J. L. Gasser. Rittman Mrs.

Phyllis B. DeVoe, W. Ohio st. Smlthville Philip L. Air-ulla, 152 N.

Summit st. Wooster Charles E. Vaughn, 541 Spring Geor-giana Brooks, RD David E. Gano, 2245 Little John Shirley J. Quigley, 121 E.

Pine st. Richard E. Groop, 4930 Cleveland rd. St. Mary High Graduates Will Hear Msgr.

Mohan a graduating class of 820 at commencement exercises pi'-vious au nign was1 762 last year. wmint'nrriin-m -AiJn ies will be at 15 in Me- mortal Hall. There are four randidates for doctoral degrees, 147 for master''; degrees, bachelors de- 638 for grees and 31 for associate 1 1 o- 1 (i'e'f'S' Commence- ment speaker will be General University the Philip- Romulo nations t.eneral Assemh Air Force chief of staff, commission Air Force will! onrl a rrvrv- i Knight Auditorium. Both Gen. Romulo and Gen.

McConnell will receive honor-1, ary doctoral degrees at com- Lowry McConnell mencement, as will Dr. How ard F. Lowry, president of the College of Wooster. Dr. Carl Bracy, president of Mount Union College, will deliver the 1965 baccalaureate address during services at 3:30 p.

m. Sunday in Memor ial Hall. Man with the highest grades In the graduating class is, Rob ert Miller, 2447 Warren Twlnsburg. He achieved a point average of 3.91 out of a possible 4.0 while working toward a bachelor of arts degree in sociology. Woman student with the highest grades is Ioma I.

Willis, 491 E. Woodsdale who is to receive a bachelor of sci ence degree in education. Her point average is 3.84. Here are the degree candi dates: THE GRADUATE DIVISION Doctor of Philosophy Kriihnn C. Kenneth C.

Rusch Baranwal Virgil V. Robert A. Pett Vlrkroy, Jr. Master of Arts Neal J. Collins nianne M.

nriili.m n. nuns Manning- Niipliaplian Richard 11 Mnthavahhandliu Dobbins Kntherlne A. Evans John J. Farlnaccl Pnul A. tJilmore Marietta C.

Hathaway Dennis A. lawyer Jack McKlnney M. R. Siiehartchandra Vravltra Klazl-Kcrmanl Raymond E. Stelnkerchner mnart M.

Terrass Siivannee Barbara B. Koosrd Vlkttsrath Master of Science T.oan h. Ant Dwo Lynm DoiiKlas E. Daniel A. Meyer Jirrr.ho Abel ('! Chu I'hlmanhhal Patel Mlnoo N.

Dastoor Jack T. Perrln William R. Davli Thomas F. Reed (ieorite S. William li.

Sharp Denkowskl John fi. Kenneth J. Somtner, Jr. Herman Patricia li. Richard K.

Weaver Johnson Phillip J. Willrox Master of Science in Engineering Joseph X. Aplsa Jerry McComas hn M. Ilowyer John T. Mclnlck Crisafito K.

Campos Thomas R. Council Paul It. rider I'arvlz K. Dainavandi Frederick E. Fischer Roy L.

tilnlcr Robert O. Kennelh L. Merchant Antonio Morron Robert K. Pearson Frank A. Perrera Charles A.

Pleasant Stephen J. Roper James Roth Lawrence J. Schneider Hanco*ck Dezso Sontogyl Richard L. Henry Dale A. Tompkins i.

km v.ii.-nro.rt. Master of Arts in Education George H. Shirley Jr. Svenson Lllley George N. Honeit .1.

ce erlaney KeiMieth II. Walt Miriam Roth Btcplieu Wosary of Science in Education Robert a. Barger Robert n. Mnrv L.

RM-krr tgoinery IftU" Gordon p'. Norma Humham Joseph m. pie. Kstelle L. Newell lettlch i iiKan Kobb.

Jr. S.W'.KS" Robert m. Gaffga Margaret smith lioroiiiy li. urn r. nr'ici Greenherger Wlnnlfred F.

Howard V. Taylor llalnnnb AiKolnette L. alter T. llarnaik Robert J. Relires Toiiiiin Kllzahcth S.

Williams 'Humid a Lerrh Larry Lorton John Zlntsmnster Master of Business Administration William K. Chatlain Irvcn H. Clcineiils, Jr. Whalel.niri tosa John F. Liggett Lowell K.

Mulhollen Robert K. Murray Philip S. Nathan William A. I'esa, Jr. Larry P.

RiUman Robert O. Simpson Hernard C. John V. Farkas James It. F'oust Gene li.

Grow Roger M. Hlte v. Klmhel. Jr. Thomas THE COLLEGE OF LAW Juris Doctor g.

Phillip L. Kenner Ml.rlon I. il in II. Raker lnii T. Richard H.

(.111 kin John A. Nehrer Bland, Jr. Herbert ewman Fred .1 Bohberts Kdnln L. Farms j.J iavni jerry iioubenes Gordon 11. Seward i 11II11 1 tson i tirant Mar.

in A. iJohn John H. Ilanlon 1. Shapiro Mary S. Shapiro David T.

Tnrr James R. Williams David II. Wlrsrhlng, Jr. John C. Zimhardl Jr.

"tiik THE RI C1ITEL COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS nachflor of Arts Alexander J. A.lay Norma J. Carol A. Aldrldgo Carotclla Alexandra s. Allen I in A.

tarter Pamela Cook Randall L. Conley Ronald Corhln Andi u.iak Gerald s. II limits .1 lllklMIal Jl4III(i It I rnu at A ard Bad get .1 Italv llllain lia ngliaii Robert L. Belt John A. Renchca Richard K.

Bunnell Linda J. Rnsvrlrk Barbara M. Breheny Helen R. Carper arole II. DeBaer June A.

DeLuca ii gene M. Didonatn John A. Dlehl Mary I. Dlerkcr Nicholas J. Dlmltrnff Kristin P.

Dressier i I Monday night A. Holmes l-'mnson il Mr F. Robinson, Jr. Karen vt ranre M. Rosenhiithe l.ondict.

Jr. Sandra L. Ross Trudy M. Gornl. ki Lawrence M.

Mariunna H. It 11 hens Steven I). Sanford larenre L. Schlup Tanya M. Schorr, Gary Shatter William K.

Gary A. Hume Vasste 1.. Ilioff Robert A. Jenkins, Jr. Snooks, Jr.

George A. Keeler Theodore Stevens Kathryn Kelly Patricia W. Stuart Nliirlee M. Kelly Mnrr-Ann Thomas Mary A. Kcpnes Maltle P.

Thomaa Marlene J. Klrek Carl L. Thornton Morley S. Kohn George R. I.ucy A.

KriMon Thurman Walter H. Kuhlke Patrick Verderlro Ix.ncila L. lenlz Gerald J. Vldcrgar James R. I.lmerlck I ynthla R.

Vonel Llndammid Kieter Wegner Ijt'Wla IjonmIiik Thomas J. Caro-I A. MaHturso Weirath Constance F. fiordon A. Welty McKee Susan H.

Welsel Kdward J. l.arry L. Whlddon Mervlne Charles S. White Paul H. Meyera Jean K.

Wledemer Kiithl A. l-o J. Mlddendorf Wlllenbacher Robert Miller nobert E. un.m viiinrt in Bachelor of Science Richard J. Arconti Joyce L.

KoontI i neonore iv. iflinrur rjinrr.v j. Itfintrln I. Roltinn ir John t. Br.Hker iiavid h.

tarn J. i oiy nan M. Miller James L. Mitchell Nancy L. Mftrrls Robert J.

Crura Charles W. Davids Kenneth J. Myers Evelyn DcLong Richard J. Orhan Dennis A. llorst F.

Oswald DiMascio Jerry M. Palmer Douglas B. Dolts Robert W. Pattl Edward Felilman Mussel) D. Frank 1..

Fire Rickeard Charles P. John D. Srheihle Pitzsimmons Ronald L. Kenneth E. Schleede (arlork F'red W.

Itrry A. Gordon Sheffler, Jr. William A. Gressel Anthony M. John A.

tiross Sherman I.inda J. Hnzen James B. Shields Robert L. Holland Donley I). Annie Holllness Slddall Carole l.

Hrhnc h. suns Donald E. Sprotbery Penelope A. Tenls Donald S. Tinker John K.

Titmas -Nicholas Hubiak Frank T. lluiniston, Jr. James It. Jamieson Edwin R. Katzenmeyer Thomas M.

Tobin Joseph M. kimlel Kenneth E. Ward Jeaunette M. -seal K. Wolle Knapp David (..

Zuren Bachelor of Science in Labor Relations Michael J. Badalich Frederick J. Irfe JameH K. 1lb Joseph T. Chase T.

Daniel Jackson Gary M. Reuben Bachelor of Science In Medical Technology Alice T. Bourn Rlnaldo Karen G. Joanne. A.

McKlnney Robinson Marianne H. W. Lois Sojourner THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Philip H. Burgi G. Gary Nixon Jamea B.

Grow 'AYT0'. Wackerly James J. Marlln Frederick Frank A. Monago Werner Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Robert A. Roger L.

Armstrong Krerhmery William W. Arvln Victor J. Ohm Murk J. Balaa George K. Perrlne Richard L.

Jack E. Reed Ruchanan James D. Robert T. Carter Richardson Ronald M. Cazurea Thomas S.

Robert E. Dick Truman Dennis A. Charles E. Truza DiMascio Beecher W. James G.

Erdns Vaughn Leonard S. Gall Donald li. Jimmy R. Hopper Warman Flank T. Thomas R.

Humlston Winkler Bachelor of Science In Mechanical Engineering Daniel J. Aleman Richard B. Wayne E. Aaper Raslnskl William J. James R.

Rollenre Brme D. Douglas R. Smith Frederick Wayne K. Nicholas Genls Snyder, Jr. John M.

Kolar Errol G. Stump John E. James M. Lehberger Sudolnlk Steven T. Miller Kenneth W.

Tate Hnrold C. Munson James L. Ronald J. Williams Pogwizd David W. Wood THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts in Education James I).

Aldridge Robert F. Mnrjorle W. Llederbach Arnold David K. long Lillian Bagnoll Robert C. Lyden David Maker Linda 1..

Mahan Roberta F. Benson Richard L. Malloy Peter A. Bldinger Jean C. Muluke Ronald C.

Bishop Thomas S. Maroon Peter Borza Thomas D. Emanuel H. McLaughlin Bronsteln Mary L. Monte Deanna M.

Jay A. Morgan Brooks Alice L. Mulligan Kenneth P. Rutke John S. Mulh Anthony Butowicz Sandra M.

Nelson Frank Chaff. IV Car A. Pa cheff Glenn R. Conley Thomas B. Donald J.

rarham Coughlln Glyn M. Parker Shirley A. Crlsllp Richard A. Pasher Michael J. Charles L.

Pavkov Cuccaro John W. Perkis John W. Curry Ronald J. Petrle Donald T. Dnvles Frank A.

Steven J. Davis Pichichero David W. Phyllis L. Plpltonc DeHaven John R. Powell Raymond J.

DINuosclo Roseann Dohl Michael A. dild*ck Arlene K. Ealy Carolyn .1. Anita M. Prince Linda R.

Rosebrough Margaret A. Ro.vka Nancy B. Sharer Sheldon G. Shimko John H. Shoemaker Falanga rv lymond Falcloil.

i.l K. Farrar leonard P. Skarl Beverly L. Fela (lenn II. Snyder Mary A.

Flnrgan Wlllard F. Spicer Dolores A. Kdward M. F'lanaxan Stewart Judith J. Fraser Frances P.

Robert P. Fulton Stewart Rose M. George Alene K. Strobel Richard II, Joan A. Sumner Grahnm Benjamin Surblia o.

iirlpne Richard A. Sutton Patricia F. Grosso Helen P. Gail Haas Swindler William j. Haas Judith H.

Charles A. SKvmanskf Harmon Joseph J. Harp Patrick M. Michael W. Tahler Larry G.

Taylor John W. Merrily Thornhur Donald C. Higgle Renatc K. filgner uln M. Ann J.

Traub Hlggln bottom Rlihanl D. Hogarth Patricia W. Holllnger Karen D. Harrielle L. Tut tl ill Marie K.

Vails Naomi E. Welscb John F. Wessman, Jr. llolmolilst Larry W. Wiles Donald L.

Hoover Lavonne M. Wiley Jacqueline Morton Mertis A. Willi James V. Hurd Hence C. Wilt I onnle K.

Iden RiKsell assle L. Illoff Wormald A. Barbara K. Illilcli Wright Gerald A. Jackson Jonathan K.

Philip G. i in Wright John D. Keller Giialcl H. arl K. Kiminel iner 'Robert W.

Koger Sadye M. Vezbak nernarn J. H. 8. Lawless Young James A.

Ling Robert X. Zen dor Bachelor of Science in Education Tarlann Allen Mar.lorle M. Ronald J. Anicd CO Capoloslo AIrlck r. Carey Penelope E.

Cash Dennis II. Chapman Maudelyne J. Chase Bernndlne A ntimlno Harry J. Arble Judith A. Bailey Jocic J.

Banas Antta F. Harash Silvan A. Chase Carol R. II a in an Flhel Chcriiiak Kathleen T. Kllen K.

Clouall Hcesing Kmlly A. Bell Mnble J. Bell Randall N. Uerent7, Carol A. Retts Hazel J.

Ilia, Wllma L. Illaukenship Drurilla J. Bod I ne Ruth B. Roscla I larence K. Margaret A.

Coclirnll Sandra L. Cochran Linda P. Cole Joyce W. Cordl Margaret B. Cornell Barbara L.

Crane Curtis Cmm Sheila F. Dally Sylvia C. Danco John T. Bradshav Deadwyler Susan D. Draw Icy Barbara R.

Jeanne K. DiMascio Breilbeck Neva R. Brenuentan Oheria J. Brothers Barbara B. Broughton Margaret A.

Brow lee Janice G. Butowlcl Jeanne V. Dnshak Carolyn M. Kills Henry S. K.relli Ronald Falkensteln Helen L.

Ferguson Betty S. Fesler Sylvester Fltzpatrirk David I). Fortunato St. Mary High School will grant diplomas in St. Mary Church.

The commencement program is scheduled immediately after the baccalaureate mass, which is at noon in the church. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Fred erick B.

Mohan, pastor of St. Martha Catholic Church and former Cleveland Diocese Catholic Charities director, will give the commencement address. DIPLOMAS will be con-1 would not arise," the judge i said. The Oilers reportedly agreed last December to rent the Astrodome for 10 years, but no contract was signed. Oiler owner Bud Adams said Friday that he was unable to got Roy Hofheinz, president of the HSA, to negotiate terms ot the contract.

"I got the impression that Roy was trying to take us right down to the last possible moment when he would have us over a barrel and then dictate terms to us," Adams said. HOFHEINZ satd the an-announcement was "a surprise and a disappointment" to him. He said he talked with Adams for four hours a week ago on the terms of the proposed Oiler lease of the stadium. And two conference appointments this past week were canceled by the Oilers, he said. "As far as we were concerned, the agreement was all but signed," he said.

AFL Commissioner Joe Foss noted that the National Football League announced Thursday that Houston was one of several cities to wnicn the NFL was thinking ot ex a 1 FOSS Said he wouldn't be surprised if "Hof heinz were one of the people who have inquired about an NFL team for Houston. "He (Hofheinz) wants to keep that stadium filled as many days out of the year as he can," Foss said. HOFHEINZ replied: "I am not interested in acquiring a football team. I have not talked to anyone in the Unit ed States concerning the mat ter. I don't know how Foss can go around making such statements." Rice previously refused to let professional teams use its stadium, but in a statement Friday by Board of Trustees Chairman George R.

Brown said it had lifted the ban because it needed the money "to support the high quality of education offered at Rice." Country Club Tourney Ends In Deadlock Four 12-man teams representing Portage, Falrlawn, Canton Brookside and Congress Lake Country Clubs Friday launched a new tourna- ment in district golf circles at Congress Lake. Twelve foursomes participat-1 prl miH each included a mpm- frnm p.h tl, i s. competition 914. Fairlawn was next with 923 and Brookside last with VOO. Jim Hackett Congress Lake, led Individual on scratch basis with five-over-par 76.

Bill Bosshard of Fair-lawn, and Jim Myers of Portage, deadlocked at 77. Jerry Potts and Aris Frank- i ii.i FfliriHwn Jack Whalen Brookside, followed with 7S; Djck of Portage, Joe Cnjss of Congrpss Lako anrJ B()b Kljn(lj Falrlawn -9 flnd chick Carst of Fah, and Saalfield Portage, were knotted at 80. The nrvt inter-clnh match is hertnlert Fnlrlavt-n 9. Printers Ralb Xo Defeat IllIlS AlOVl-rs irilCKing, I.llirger Chef and Hiney Printing soft- bailers notched Cuyahoga, I I .1 1 ans cias a wague icioi ics Frirla Hf Harrinpton Fipld Hiney t'nnting scored lour runs after two outs in the scv cnth inning to edge Merry Inn, 5-2, and Burger Chef downed' Good Ex'Samnlel Waymcn Sample, 2145 South 4 Plaza drive, sampled a once-in- a lifetime thrill when he aced the 148-yard 17th hole at Firestone Public Friday. The 55-year-old Sample used a 3-iron and finished nine holes with a 37.

i i 1 1 1 1 OnosMi Coltege slu*tloiil Akron Youth Drowns In Michigan Lake oru with players using lull nancu- Anthem at 7:30. capS jn determining team win- Neutralists in the press boxiners on net basis irom one ena io me ouiei.i Portage and Congress Lake were high in praise for deadlocked with low net of Special to the Beacon Journal OWOSSO, Mich. A 20-year-old Akron youth, a freshman at Owosso College, drowned Friday afternoon while swimming in Spring Brook Lake, ten miles south of here. Dead is William W. Haslett, son of Mrs.

Wilma Haslett, 528 Carroll Akron. His body was recovered in 15 feet of water by divers from the Shiawassee County Sheriff's Department. Deputies said the youth had been swimming with David Holdren of Columbus when he apparently suffered cramps and called for help. Holdren, said to be an excellent swimmer, reached Haslett but was unable to bring the struggling youth to shore. OFFICIALS at the college said Haslett was not a good Kathleen Tucker, Mary Jo aoqoo, jMien Acuon, Alice Dickinson, Carol Kimmel, Jac- queline McVay, Marianne Pot' ter, Frances Reder, Barbara Sibbio, Rebecca Simmons, Paula Stone and Mary Mar garet Walter.

HERE IS the list of graduates: Dianne Czirnkl Marian Franks Mary Jo Abdoo Fallen Adlon Mary Alexander Nancy Ranevlch Joyce Barone Patricia Becker Dianne Beltram Carol Benson Anna Berlsh Mary Hreldlng Ruzzclli Peggy Wallace Judith Watson Karen Welsh Mary Whltford Alice Wood Wanda Woodbnrn Barbara Alekna Joan Arlson Virginia Barone Maria Clstone Joyce Conner Alice Cinplicke Linda Dierlngcr Jonnna Cerrone Theresa Kdl Marilyn Cinrlone Stephanie lmee Rosemary loin jean Jackson Kleanor Collins Janice Connell Mary Frances Conrad Kathleen Conway Carol Jenkins Kathleen Leltoy Alice Llnderman Marianne Albanesfl Margaret Anderson Theresa Bamer Dolores Campanale Teresa Capan Sharon Christ Sandra Clcrollnl Diane Dally Ruth Delnoce Alice Dickinson Carol Dukeman Kathleen Dyer Kathryn Klirk Martha Garlando Barbara Gaugler Kathleen Gill Mary Coffman Janet Greathnnse Mary Dangel Beverly Hanlc Mary DeCastro Constance Ickea Mary Paula Katherlne Kelly Fanelly Mary Ann hernani ami rimn Carol Kimmel Mary Ioule Gcrbec Ruth Helsser Mary Hudson Nancy Hopp Kathleen Hoynea Rosemary Jordan Barbara Klein Louise Krnker Frances Kramer Irene King Patricia Kline Mary Kovae Judith Kuhne Christine Kusy Patricia Lee Martha Linn Susan Linn Jacqueline Lynn Marianne Solosky Christine Lahbe Kathleen Tucker Joanne Lavlska Susan McVan Nancy Llvignl Jacqueline McVay Jacqueline Mary Fallen Mickunas Madjerlch Adrlenne Moffet Paula Mlshler Cecilia Nelson Cerllla Mlze Theresa Petit Patricia Monerlef Barbara Polovlck Mary Murgatroyd Carolyn Reeves Mellnny Myers Gloria Rlrriardl Gail Mst Patricia Testa Palrlria Ostroskl Diana Tretto Marianne Potter Teresa Varra Ann Mary Pnullot Patricia Weaver Frances Reder Mary Louis Joan Ruof Leanlewskl Judith Srarpilllto Leonette lowe Manreen Schafer Nancy Mam Lynne Srheatzle Janet Schlosser Janice Schubert Judith Sekernk Kathleen Shnff Kathryn Hlinff Judith Nyitray Sharon O'Brien Vlorenee Orndorf Mary Pantnso Donna Proeaeclo Marie Rarrula Barbara sinttio Mary Ann Rasiccl Rebecca Simmons Catherine Romano Rosalind Smith Suzanne Sano Carolyn Stefano Pamela Sherman Paula Stone Joanne Hhlplett Sutter Mary Skinner Mary (irace Tipple Klleen Snyder Mngdalena Cnrinne Stallard Todorovlc Diane Stevenson Patricia Turner Audry Vhraln Joanne lrlch Lynne Wall Linda Vereshack Marilyn Whltten Rebecca Wagner Roberta Wlrth Mary Margaret Catherine Walter Woxnlak Ends 50 Years At Quaker Oats Akron native Paul H. Mueller, now of Cary, 111., has reached the 50-year mark as an employe of the Quaker Oats Co. Mueller, whose family claims four generations of Quaker Oats employes, joined the company in 1915 at the age of 15 and worked here until 1963 when he was transferred to Barrington, 111. as a design engineer. manner the affair was promoted and managed Only the minority group from Detroit found anything wrong with the final outcome.

FOR POSSIBLE benefit of the uninformed, there'll be another meeting of these clubs lonigni, ana sun amum-i ouu- day afternoon. Kralick goes against Mickey Lodich tonight; Sam MrDow- ell starts against the Tigers Joe Sparma tomorrow. aaiumay aiit-i noon in Detroit, Lolich shaded Kra lick, 1-0, in a brilliant mound duel decided by Davalillo's failure to hold icAuiuies: line drive with a Tiger on second in the 10th inning. TONIGHTS is the Indians' first Saturday nighter at; home Since AllL'. 1U.

1 HlJ. ana their first with the Tigers since Julv 11. 1959. rnt 1 rt-, mat nignt paying ciittnmors nnH 114') loHioo saw the Indians edge the Ben gals, 8-7; with Gary Bell sav ing the win for reliever Jim Perry with a fine ninth in-1 I i 1 swimmer. Ho reportedly was'ments.

ning job. Three Stops Cafe, 11 1, to re-That night however, Rocky; main unbeaten. Moyer's top-Colavito hit his 25th and 26th pled GoJo, 13-4. for its second homers. Last night's crowd: win against one loss, pulled for him to hit his 11th.

Tonight's crowd may have that satisfaction! PACIFIC OAST Arkansas 8, Taroma 1. Indianapolis 8, Oklahoma City 2. Vancouver 2, Salt Lake 1. Seattle 7, Denver 5. Hawaii 3, Spokane 1.

ROITHKR1V LKAGI'F, Columhui 2, Birmingham 0. Knoxvllle Charlotte 1. Lynchburg 2-8. Ashevllle 0-3. Montgomery at Chattanooga, pott-poned, rain.

COMEDIAN Bob Hope tries on his son's mortar board for size after delivering the commencement address at William Kelly Hope's Los Angeles high school..

The Akron Beacon Journal from Akron, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

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Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.